عمليات الأمن

حلول أمنية مادية موحدة تدمج الدوائر التلفزيونية المغلقة وإنذار الحريق والتحكم في الدخول وإنذار الاقتحام وأنظمة إدارة المباني للبنوك.

عمليات الأمن

حلول أمنية مادية موحدة تدمج الدوائر التلفزيونية المغلقة وإنذار الحريق والتحكم في الدخول وإنذار الاقتحام وأنظمة إدارة المباني للبنوك.

CCTV المادية
حلول أمنية

CCTV المادية
حلول أمنية

تقدم AU حلول CCTV التي تتكون من مجموعة واسعة من النماذج القياسية ، ميجا بكسل ، وعالية الدقة (HD) القادرة على حماية أي بنية تحتية والتقاط الصور في أكثر الظروف تطلبًا بما في ذلك نطاقات درجات الحرارة القصوى ، والإضاءة المنخفضة والبيئات ذات الإضاءة الصفرية ، الأجواء المسببة للتآكل أو المتطايرة والمناطق التي قد يحدث فيها تلف للمعدات على المنتج.

Video Management
Physical Security Solutions

Video Management
Physical Security Solutions

VMS software can be used to support tens of thousands of cameras across multiple continents. It can easily be upgraded while keeping the same look and feel and can be seamlessly integrated with third-party cameras, and can manage simultaneously many Ultra High Definition (UHD) cameras in a secure way with live and playback sites with dynamic transcoding. It is also scalable and uses expandable solutions with flexible licenses.

Access control
Physical Security Solution

Access control
Physical Security Solution

The need for Access Control requirements to protect a company's assets is growing exponentially. AU offers a range of systems that integrate with a host of security features such as video verification and intrusion monitoring without sacrificing simplicity and intuitive control. Systems can include multi-biometric identification comprising of fingerprint, and D fingerprint and facial recognition solutions which are recognized as the world's fastest and most accurate biometric technologies for identification.

Fire Alarm Physical
Security Solutions

Fire Alarm Physical
Security Solutions

AU offers a broad portfolio of Fire Alarm Systems for accurate, reliable fire detection and notification. Our solutions provide precise, life-saving information at critical moments and are relied upon to help protect office buildings, warehouses, lodging establishments, educational facilities, retail stores, and many other types of facilities.

Public address Physical
Security Solutions

Public address Physical
Security Solutions

AU provides high-quality public address systems and voice evacuation systems that are essential for dealing with security and safety challenges that have exceptional performance and reliability. The company is able to provide systems and components for major transportation terminals, places of worship, public buildings, office buildings, schools and shopping malls.